Internet of Things & Edge


Improve customer experience and increase efficiencies with connected products and services

Smart devices are transforming every facet of our daily lives. Advanced sensory and connectivity capabilities have found their way into industrial equipment, medical diagnostic devices, automobiles, and home appliances, bringing in a sea change in usability and comfort.

While product makers are coming up with newer and evermore innovative concepts, converting a product idea into a usable solution, enterprises require a wider set of skills and a systems-thinking approach. At AG IT, we work with our clients to identify opportunities to apply smart technology in the pursuit of transforming the experiences of employees and customers alike.

How We Help Our Clients

Over the years, our constant endeavour has been to bring new & emerging
technologies closer to enterprises, helping them to transform business and IT processes smoothly.

IoT Based Monitoring and Control

Design & build IoT-based systems using new technological advancements that can monitor and control devices for real-life applications: across home, commercial establishments, and industrial premises.

Wireless Network Optimization

Collect &analyse large quantities of data from network devices; intelligently adjust network parameters and settings in real-time and deliver optimal throughput based on the network load.

Equipment Preventive Maintenance

Devise and implement connected and smart preventive maintenance strategies to ensure regular monitoring of equipment to reduce downtime and improve performance &safety

AI/ML based Predictive Analytics

Help organizations discover hidden patterns, powerful insights, and new information from their unstructured data sets from diverse sources.

Device and Network Security

Protect corporate network infrastructure and prevent unauthorized access, malfunction, and modifications, thereby ensuring a secure environment for employees and customers

Device to Cloud Data Management

Provide data management services to store, manage, and retrieve data across cloud locations, including Microsoft Azure, Amazon AWS, and Google Cloud Platform.


Our Strengths

While the cloud promises convenience, some still have concerns around reliability and latency vulnerabilities in third-party environments. Our comprehensive audit services help address these challenges through:

  • Foundation in connectivity technologies, wireless engineering, and enterprise networking
  • IoT technology expertise coupled with mobility, BI and, AI/ML skills for holistic enterprise IoT solutions
  • Continuous development of skills in new technologies: wireless, networking, data management, cloud, and AI

Customer Success

Contact us today about

our services and the ways we can assist your business.