Cloud Migration


Migrate to the cloud and unlock endless possibilities for innovation, agility, and scalability.

The cloud is transforming the way businesses operate. By migrating your on-premises applications and data to the cloud, you can gain access to a wide range of benefits, including:

Reduced costs: The cloud can help you save money on IT infrastructure and maintenance costs

Increased agility: The cloud makes it easy to scale your IT resources up or down on demand, so you can quickly respond to changing business needs

Enhanced security: Cloud providers offer a wide range of security features and services to help protect your data and applications

Improved reliability: Cloud providers offer high-availability and disaster recovery solutions to keep your business running even in the event of an outage

80 + %

of companies have a multi-cloud strategy and a hybrid cloud approach

50+ %

of companies have these two top initiatives
1. Optimizing existing use of cloud (cost savings)
2. Migrating more workloads to cloud

32 %

of cloud spend is wasted

How to start – Avoid Failure with AG IT’ expertise

Why shift?

  • Understand the trigger and remember it through the transformation
  • Is it to, get out of a data center or make change easier or overcome application limitations? The “why” must be the North Star


  • Run fast and regroup and clean up at key points OR do it once, do it slowly and then move on. Decide and understand the implications
  • Start with looking for re-platform opportunities with core business applications, if speed is important


  • Cloud without the DevOps journey becomes limited, but cloud and DevOps journeys in tandem become complicated. How do you find the balance?
  • DevOps isn’t about technology, it is about managing incidents and change
  • How much automation do we want to put in place, so we’ve got automated CI/CD pipelines?
  • Make your devops decisions with all the understood

Security teams

  • If you make them an afterthought, they can be justified impediments to the program. Involve them early

Minimum viable cloud

  • Define upfront security framework, operations Framework, automation Framework, core account Structure, and networking architecture

Database migrations and licensing

  • For databases, the timeline and client licensing agreements makes decisions more often than technology. Understand them upfront and set expectations

Orphan applications

  • Far too often have we seen applications with no documentation and the people that know about it have long been out of the organization
  • Create the budget for discovery and code scanning tools


  • Focus on cutover from the beginning till the end, not just before it happens

Hire or train?

  • We recommend both. From a, change management perspective, affordability, a retention of tribal application knowledge view and from an infusion of current tech awareness point of view
  • Ensure you have a cloud first architect


  • The cost can balloon on the cloud as DC replication isn’t the answer. Figure out what you need and switch those on as required

The 7R Assessment – Identifying the best path for your organization

  • Re-host (lift and shift)
  • Re-Locate (rewrite and shift)
  • Re-factor (re-architect)
  • Re – Platform (lift and reshape)
  • Re-purchase (cloud-to-cloud migration)
  • Retire (decommission legacy frameworks)
  • Retain (retain control in local data centers or on-premises)

A Seamless Migration with AG IT

$ 10 M

AG IT saved US government agency $10M over 5 years by eliminating mandatory tech refreshes in security & defense data centers.


AG IT improved system availability for a US government agency by over 30%

25 %

25% reduced costs at client by 25% with cloud support & system.

Contact us today about

our services and the ways we can assist your business.